Most Powerful Mantra to Attract Money, Wealth and Prosperity. Powerful Mantra invoking Kubera and Mahalakshmi together. Rendered by Saindhavi and Bharat Sundar.
by Money Workshop-
copyright with Suresh Padmanabhan
This Mantra is from Track 6 of Money Mantras Vol 2
This is one of the Ancient Mantras of India to Attract Money and Prosperity.
You may choose to hear it once in morning and once in evening for best results
Sung in Sanskrit the most powerful vibrational language and set to modern music to embed the vibrations in the subconscious mind.
You may pass it on to your loved ones and contribute in their Prosperity and Well being
Rendered by Saindhavi and Bharat Sundar famous carnatic singers of south india
(Самая мощная мантра для привлечения денег, богатства и процветания. Мощная Мантра вызова Кубера и Лакшми вместе. Оказываемые Saindhavi и Bharat Сундар деньгами ... Это одна из древних мантр Индии для привлечения денег и процветания. Вы можете выбрать слышать его один раз утром и один раз в вечер для достижения наилучших результатов Сена в переводе с санскрита - самый мощных колебательных язык и установили его в современную музыку для встраивания колебаний в подсознании. Вы можете передать ее своим любимым и внести вклад в их благополучия и процветания ...)
It is composed of bija mantras, rough meanings: Shreem for Lakshmi (love, beauty, health, prosperity), Hreem for Great Goddess/Sun (illumination/dispel illusion), kleem for Kama/Krishna (love and fulfiller of desires from material to moksha, where your intention is) and Vitteswaraay (Kubera)
Lord Kuber (or Kubera or Kuvera) is believed to be the lord of riches and wealth in Hinduism. Kuber Sadhana is considered a great way of pleasing the lord to bestow one with wealth and fortune. Kuber is many a times called the treasurer of gods. If pleased with you the lord opens avenues of wealth and riches for believers. Lord Kuber is also believes to be the head of the Yakshas (savage beings). The Yakshas are both human and demon and are responsible for the security of the treasures hidden beneath the earth of the great mountain Himalayas.
Kubera Yantra is used as a tool to attract the cosmic wealth energy, accumulation of riches, increase cash flow at home, etc. It opens up street for new sources of income. Worship of Kuber Yantra is also suggested for excellent growth in business, career and profession and increase in personal income and abundance.
The specially of this Yantra is their No. 72 should come by winning the Number from any side the joint on of 72 Total 9.
For realization of Lord Kubera, massive monetary gain, wealth, fortune and all round success.
I recommend at least one mala (108 reps) of this mantra each day. You can also chant his beej (seed/root) mantra "Dhham" (some use "Sam"). Recite it as much as you can till the problem is solved (like ajapa -ceaseless mental repetition throughout the day).
For worshiping him you have to sit facing North Director. You can use a Rudraksha mala as he is a follower of Shiva or a White Crystal Mala to chant his nama.
Ananda means "bliss" and Marga means "path." So Ananda Marga means "Path of Bliss."
Bliss is infinite happiness. It is the fundamental desire of human beings. "There is in the living being a thirst for limitlessness." We can never be satisfied with limited things. They may give us pleasure for a while, but not long-lasting satisfaction. A limited object can only give a temporary and limited amount of happiness. But only infinite happiness will satisfy us. So how are we to attain it? By expanding our awareness to infinity; by transforming our individual limited experience into the cosmic experience of the unlimited: infinite happiness; perfect peace and contentment bliss.
Ananda Marga is the name of the system which allows us to do that. It is an optimal selection of those techniques and practices that lead to the total experience of infinite peace and happiness what we call "self-realization." It is an ideology and way of life; a systematic and scientific process for the fulfillment of all human needs: physical, mental and spiritual. It is introversial, intuitional practice; with techniques ranging from personal hygiene to yoga postures; from social service to meditation. Its goal is the all-round elevation of human beings, both individually and collectively, in all spheres of human existence: individual, social, economic, intellectual and spiritual. It is a total response to human longing and aspiration.
As an organization, Ananda Marga has a global network of centers in virtually every country of the world. Its activities encompass a wide range of projects for the welfare of humanity, animals, plants and the whole planet. These include yoga and meditation centers, schools, childrens homes, food distribution centers, disaster relief, medical centers and community development projects. Emphasis is placed on meeting the needs of the local people and assisting them in developing their personal and social resources for the prosperity of all.
The philosophy of Ananda Marga is one of universalism. It is an all-embracing outlook, recognizing God as the one limitless supreme consciousness, with all beings of the universe part of the one cosmic family.
It recognizes that a balance is needed between the spiritual and mundane aspects of existence, and that neither one should be neglected at the expense of the other. Hence the goal of Ananda Marga is "Self-realization and the welfare of the universe." O mantra universal é BABA NAM KEVALAM. BABA significa o mais querido, ou aquele a quem você mais quer ou mais ama. O significado de BABA NAM KEVALAM é: "Tudo é expressão do Ser Supremo". Ao mesmo tempo, há uma dança que é iniciada com o gesto de "Namaskar" (com as palmas das mãos juntas, os polegares tocando o ponto entre as sobrancelhas, e depois o coração), erguendo-se em seguida os braços acima da cabeça, com as palmas voltadas para cima, num gesto de conexão com o Supremo. Quando os braços se cansam, volta-se ao gesto inicial de Namaskar, mantendo-se as mãos juntas, com os polegares tocando o coração. A dança é muito simples: toca-se a ponta do dedão do pé direito detrás do pé esquerdo, enquanto se dobra ligeiramente o joelho esquerdo, e vice versa. Quando se busca uma sintonia de movimentos, todos juntos se movendo na mesma direção, cria-se uma vibração mais forte.KIIRTAN: significa "cantar o nome do Senhor". É uma forma de louvar o Senhor através de um cântico espiritual. O kiirtan realizado antes da meditação cria uma vibração espiritual muito benéfica e coloca a mente num estado espiritual, purificando-a dos pensamentos. É cantado com um "mantra", que significa "soms que afastam a mente da obscruidade".
Thirupathi Srinivasa Gayatri for profits and wealth. Mantra Mantra for money, mantra for profits and mantra to become rich Вселенная ВСЕГДА говорит тебе "ДА"! featuring lyrics and video of Sanskrit Mantras, Aartis, Stuties, Chalisas, Slokas, Kavacham, Stotras, Sahasranamams. Also listing of hindu temples, hindu festivals, hindu deities, god and goddess wallpaper and other spirituality contents.
Money comes to you when you watch this one ! - Law of attraction - Money, Millionare, your success.
People who are efficient in attracting positives have trained their minds to focus on their desires. this is your story that you will have an experience. Money is for you. But don't forget it, Money is not yours. Thanks.
Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamale Kamalaleyi Praseed Praseed Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Mahalaxmiyei Namaha (Various ways ways to spell the Sanskrit transliteration)
My very rough translation: Underlying Vibration of all creation, abundance please, cherishing your lotus feet, be pleased Great Laxmi Goddess, I bow to You.
The audio is by Shri Anandi Ma and Dileepji from the CD "Mantras For Abundance" published by Sounds True. The audio is available at Shri Anandi Ma's group's website, or directly from Sounds True at (Thanks to purna24 for info)
27 Repetitions (Repeat 4 times for 108 rounds = 1 mala = 40 minutes) *Morning is the best time to chant, especially after bathing. But in the evening before dinner, or 3 hours after dinner is ok too. **Once you learn it by heart, just practice on a mala, especially a lotus seed one, and it will take around 30+/- minutes to do 1 mala a day.
*If you recite this mantra daily 108 times financial worries, trouble will go away. **Daily worship of this mantra helps in attaining Siddhi. *Siddhi is typically defined as "a magical or spiritual power for the control of self, others and the forces of nature."
"Also to solve your financial worries, experience its wonder within 90 days. Proved to be very effective. Bestows you with lot of money and wealth from unexpected source. [Especially when using with either the Shree or Lakshmi/Laxmi Yantra]
"'Shree Yantra' - Shree meaning wealth and Yantra - Meaning 'Instrument' -
"Look into the center of the Yantra, trying to blink as rarely as possible; you don't want to look at the particular details of the Yantra, just keep your sight right in the center and observe the whole Yantra at once.
"In time, after at least seven days of Yantra meditation you will be able to tap into the same yantric energy even without a Yantra (at the beginning you may fix your sight on an exterior or imaginary point or evoke the Yantra with your eyes closed).
"In superior phases the Yantra absorbs the practitioner's complete attention, and he can no longer tell if the Yantra is within himself or if he is within the Yantra; this is the state of non-duality."
The Lakshmi Mantra is being chanted by Shri Anandi Ma and Dileepji .
Shri Anandi Ma ... travel[s] extensively in India, the United States and Europe, conducting meditation programs and yoga retreats. ... As part of her role as Shri Dhyanyogi's spiritual heir, Shri Anandi Ma has also assumed the responsibility for continuing the humanitarian works begun during Shri Dhyanyogi's lifetime. These include operating a hospital, sponsoring eye surgery camps, and providing food for the poor. In all these works, she continues to spread the love and light of her lineage and of her beloved sadaguru, Shri Dhyanyogi Madhusudandas. - Download your free MP3 of this powerful belief changing Money Song at the link above. Listen to it on your ipod or burn onto a CD set up as your alarm clock as your positive prosperous wake up call!
Watch this for the next 30 days straight and see for yourself what happens to you arround money ... like the song I just heard said "live your life with your arms wide open" ...Expect Miracles
Here´s the first step on changing your money karma to positive once and for all! Everything in this universe is made of energy and that includes money. So what you have to do is tune yourself to the vibration/frequency of what you desire by re-programming your mind out of scarcity in to abundance mentality and using intent & visualization. Doing that will attract the thing what u want in your life like a magnet. One of the best ways of doing that is using your imagination or tools like this to embody the feeling of having what you want right now in THIS MOMENT and being grateful for it !
Relax, visualize and be thankful for the abundance of wealth coming your way, every day. Repeat this as often as you feel good and release that feeling by pursuing your dreams with perseverance and following what your heart tells you. The energy will express itself to the world around you and manifest itself in physical form. Make the manifestation even more rapid and powerful by helping others in what they need, without expecting nothing back (unconditional love)...
Remember what you reap is what you sow :)
May all of your dreams come true ^^
(Song Golden Dawn by Wayne Jones & Amy Hayashi-Jones from Lifescapes Relaxing Orient)
Please comment telling your experienses and remember to favourite n´ rate, if you find this helpful! o/ Big up
Other Ways To GET RICH.. Вселенная ВСЕГДА говорит тебе "ДА"!
Become a money magnet with powerful money affirmations. I made this video clip to help me concentrate with my manifestations. Got to think positive to bring positive outcome to I wanted to share this with others.